Small Museums Alliance Representing Territories
Verbund kleiner Gebietsmuseen
ITAT2049 - Interreg V-A Italia-Austria – Aufruf 2018
Das Projekt fördert die Kultur der Zugänglichkeit bei Tourismus- und Kulturtreibenden und die aktive Beteiligung der Bürger*innen an der Aufwertung des lokalen Natur- und Kulturerbes als Allgemeingut.
Alle drei Pilotstandorte (Valdagno, Resia und Saalfelden) zeichnen sich durch kleine Museen und bedeutende kulturelle und landschaftliche Aspekte aus. Darüber hinaus wird im Laufe des Projekts ein vierter Pilotstandort in der Provinz Bozen - Südtirol identifiziert.
In den Pilotstandorten werden partizipative Prozesse mit den lokalen Gemeinschaften zur Aufbereitung von Inhalten und Werten durchgeführt, die die Besonderheit der Orte unterstreichen.
Die so erarbeiteten Inhalte werden mit innovativen Mitteln (Technologien, Erzählformen) präsentiert und bereichern das bestehende Museumsangebot (App für interaktive Besichtigung, Augmented Reality, Multimedia-Installationen, Themenwege). Spannende Erlebnisformen bieten die multimedialen Storytelling-Rundwege im Naturraum für ein erlebnisreiches, immersives und emotionales Erlebnis.
Zentrales Thema ist die Barrierefreiheit: Dank multimodaler Gestaltung ist das Angebot für alle inklusive zugänglich, man kann verschiedene Besichtigungsformen wählen und kombinieren - je nach Fähigkeit, Alter oder Herkunft. Geeignet auch für Menschen mit motorischer, sensorischer, kognitiver Beeinträchtigung. Die Pilotstätten werden schließlich zu einer virtuellen Museumstour verbunden. Dies ermöglicht die Besichtigung - auch von speziellen Inhalten - aus der Ferne und die spätere Einbeziehung weiterer Kultureinrichtungen.
Gemeinde Valdagno
ALDA+ SRL Benefit Corporation SB
La Piccionaia Sozialgenossenschaft
Sozialgenossenschaft independent L. Onlus Soc. Coop.
Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH
Stadtgemeinde Saalfelden
Gemeinde Resia
Assoziierter Partner:
Servicestelle Gleichbehandlung und Antidiskriminierung
Projektdauer 01.09.2019 – 31.03.2022
>ZUR HOMEPAGE VON SMART: www.smart-museums.eu
SMART ist ein durch den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung und Interreg Italien-Österreich V-A 2014-2020 finanziertes Projekt
ITAT2049 SMART – Small Museums Alliance Representing Territories
Interreg V-A Italia-Austria 2014-2020
Submit your logo design proposal and get promoted across Europe!
Involving students and youngsters is the best choice when we talk about CREATIVITY and INCLUSION!
Active participation, culture, accessibility and innovation are the keywords for this competition coordinated by ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – and implemented by four pilot sites and municipalities of the SMART project: Valdagno (Italy), Resia (Italy), Alto Adige (Italy) and Saalfelden (Austria), each characterized by the presence of small museums, significant landscapes and cultural aspects.
The competition aims to select a logo design proposal that will public identify the SMART project in its mission and values, and will represent it across Europe. It is a great challenge to spread the message of the importance of accessibility and innovation in culture heritage in a simple, clear and direct way.
Get involved!
If you are a school/organization interested in culture, tourism and/or art, and in taking part to an experience of international relevance, do not miss this opportunity! Get involved and participate to SMART Logo competition! The best proposal created by students/youngster will be selected to become the logo of SMART project and will be promoted on the official project web site and social channels, used in promotional materials and in any online and offline communication regarding the project.
And the winner is…
The winner will have the opportunity to participate in the community laboratory dedicated to the creation of the Instant Silent Play, an innovate product aimed to the valorisation of the natural and cultural heritage!
The participative workshop involve artists, local experts, citizens who will cooperate to develop performative, interactive and multimedia itinerary by performing different activities : analysis of the cultural and social history, creation of community maps, autobiographical laboratory, narrative dramaturgy, storytelling, dubbing, theatrical production, video mapping.
You will take active part in the cultural and touristic promotion of your territory and you will learn about …
The workshop will be submitted by the theatre production center “La Piccionaia”, partner of the SMART project. It will be held between May and ….. 2020 in the pilot site of your residence (Valdagno – IT, Resia – IT, Alto Adige – IT and Saalfelden - AT) and will last around 5 days. The time schedule will be defined in collaboration with winner and, in case, with the school program.
What is the SMART project?
The project promotes the culture of accessibility between tourism and cultural operators and the active participation of citizens in the valorization of natural and cultural heritage as a common good.
There are three starting pilot sites (Valdagno-IT, Resia-IT, Saalfelden-AT) all characterized by the presence of small museums and significant landscape and cultural aspects. In addition, a fourth pilot site in Alto Adige - IT will be identified during the implementation of the project. In these pilot sites, participatory planning tours will be activated with the local communities for the collection and elaboration of content and values, with particular attention to those that define the uniqueness of the place. The developed contents will then be returned within innovative devices (technological and narrative), that will enrich the existing museum sites (App for interactive visit, augmented reality, multimedia installations, and thematic itineraries) and enhance the natural context (multimedia storytelling itineraries of places) for an experiential, immersive and emotional fruition.
Accessibility will be central focus, with the development of multimodal devices that will allow an immersive fruition for everyone, thanks to the possibility of choosing and combining different visit ways, designed to meet the needs of different abilities, ages, origins, as well as motor, sensory and cognitive difficulties. Finally, the pilot sites will be connected in a virtual museum circuit that will allow remote visits and the access to special contents, including the possibility to be expanded to other structures after the end of the project. Despite the diversity and variety of each project pilot sites, it has been identified an element combing all sites: the water. Water is a fundamental element characterizing the landscape, history, human culture and traditions of the four sites. Thus, its valorisation as natural element and symbolic element will be included while developing the participatory planning tours and cultural circuit.
Who can participate?
Students and youngsters aged 14 to 18 years old willing to be part of the European spirit and participate in the valorisation of the European natural and cultural heritage as a common good, through a participative approach and introducing innovative and inclusive technologies.
How to participate?
- Unleash your creative skills for a more accessible and innovative European cultural heritage!
- Create a graphic design using your preferred technique (crayons, markers, wax crayons, tempera, mixed techniques, etc .;)
- Submit your logo proposal by email with your COMPLETE NAME, AGE, SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION and COUNTRY to __________________________________________.
- Please write in the subject of the e-mail “Smart Logo Contest”. By submitting a proposal, you agree to allow the use of the logo design within the framework of the SMART project & related activities.
Which are the eligibility criteria?
Eligible proposals can be an image accompanied by the acronym of the project (SMART) and the official logo of the programme Interreg Italy-Austria (Annex 1) . The logo must represent the identity of the project and its mission: valorising natural and cultural heritage through the development of innovative and inclusive multisensorial tours.
The logo must be:
- Original and not referred to any other existing activities/initiatives/projects
- In colour and/or in black and white
- Easy to be reduced or enlarged in size, without losing communicative and artistic impacts.
A short text can be included as well (max 30 letters - space included), referring to the key words and/or concepts of the project: culture, accessibility, innovation, inclusion, water, common heritage, community, sustainable tourism
When is the deadline for submission?
The deadline is 31st of March 2020.